
Showing posts with the label restaurants

Why your restaurant needs Petpooja?

  Knock Knock! ✊ Our customers got a small message for you. A big thank you to all our restaurant partners who believe in the US and our PRODUCT. Well, today we won't blabber a lot, let them describe what Petpooja is! Featuring: Lapino'z Pizza, Doolally, Blackbucks American Diner, Imly, Jimi's Burger, and Caffix- The tech Cafe For More info: Click Here

Cooking guide : How restaurants can cook great food with wine!

  Know the science behind food and wine      “This aged like a fine wine.” How many times have you heard this before? If not anything else, this phrase for sure has aged like a fine wine. But hold on for a moment, why are we talking about wines here? Because as a catalyst, a glass of fine wine with your dining experience will take it on a whole new level. After all, as Julia Child said, “Wine is meant to be with food—that’s the point of it!” Let me take you through the step by step guide of fine wine and dine, starting with: Why do people cook their food with wine?  1. Smell the Aroma . The human nose is one of the finest sensory organs. It works in sync with taste buds to give that unique flavour by blending in chemicals and shooting it up to your brain. When your dish has few dominant flavours, it’s a great idea to mix it with the wines that share those same basic characteristics. Not only will it enhance your flavour, but it will also give a unique blend of a...