Latest Restaurant Trends : Veganism

What started as an attempt towards the prevention of vast amounts of animal suffering and environmental degradation, has now become a very popular dietary and lifestyle choice amongst customers. Even though the core virtue of the vegan lifestyle remains that of making more conscious lifestyle choices for the planet, the word vegan can be used to now identify a pizza, a bag, or a person. You might agree or disagree, love it or hate it but Veganism is here to stay. Vegan or plant-based diets involve cutting out all animal-based foods like meat, eggs, honey, and dairy as opposed to the more popular vegetarian diet that only excludes meat but allows Milk and eggs. Fun fact, currently more than 7.8 Million people in the world are strictly Vegans! As a result, we’re seeing more and more people switching to a vegan lifestyle to do their bit for the world. To cater to these high demands, Petpooja also has some tips on some basic vegan options available right in your inv...